On April 7th, Dyami was featured in a Dutch investigative report by Zembla about the evacuation of Kabul, Afghanistan, in 2021. Have a look at how founder / CEO Eric Schouten and Dyami Operations manager Annick Dingemans, among others, supported over 250 people who needed help in Kabul to get to the Airport in order to catch one of the military evacuation flights.
Watch de episode - Zembla: Missie Afghanistan: de hel van Kabul - here (Dutch)
February 18 2022, Dutch Investigative Radioshow Argos had an episode about the ordeal two sisters had to endure while evacuating from Kabul. Since Dingemans supported the sisters, she appears in the item talking about the case.
More information about the efforts in August and September.
More video clips from news outlets can be found on the Dyami Youtube Channel

Dyami Operations Room Kabul Evacuation 2021 (screenshot from Zembla)
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